What Gives Life Purpose: Everything You Need To Know

What gives life purpose
What gives life purpose

Any idea what gives your life purpose?

You’ve looked to religion, tried traditional approaches, and have turned to outside guidance to experience that sense of purpose.  But in the end, you’re no clearer on what you can do to give your life the purpose you crave.

You want to be involved with something larger and more meaningful than your present life. But what that is, you have no idea?

Sadly, you’re not alone. This question has been asked by many but left unanswered, until now.  

If you want fulfillment, meaning, and success in your life. But you’re confused about what you need to do to achieve it.

Keep reading. 

Today this post will help you gain some insights, once and for all, on what gives life purpose as well as shed some light on understanding what your life purpose truly is.  

To clear this up, let’s look at …

What people are saying about what gives their life purpose 

Some people believe that following the path of their ancestors will give their life purpose. And they make their occupations and lifestyle choices accordingly. 

Others seek guidance from their culture, which is often rooted in religions or some outside guidance, to understand what gives life that sense of purpose. 

Then there are some people who believe that they themselves are solely responsible to give their life purpose. 

And, then are those who, hold firmly to the belief that the pursuit of happiness does it for them.  Which pursuit means pleasure, but to living a life that is fulfilling and meaningful.

But what does having a life that’s fulfilling and meaningful even look like?

To a large extent, the voices of thought leaders, also echo this latter belief.  

For instance, Oprah Winfrey, ranked the richest African-American of the 20th century and the greatest black philanthropist in American history, believes that the goal of life is to do your best to have a fulfilling life.  

She adds – it’s not just about money or fame or success – it’s about being happy with what you are doing every day and knowing that you are fulfilling your purpose on this earth.

I’m sure, we can all relate.   

As believers, the world’s culture does influence our beliefs, and thereby our behavior.  And somehow, to some degree, many of us have hooked our lives on the “pursuit of happiness” bandwagon too. 

When you’re unhappy with where your life is heading

We spend our waking hours chasing after new things and new life experiences. Hoping to achieve fulfillment, to live our best life, or at the very least find happiness.

Then we end up very frustrated with ourselves when nothing seems to work.   

I once thought that my corporate job was my purpose. Until I lost my passion and later my focus. Then I spend no less than two years, going around in circles.  Trying to find my purpose in life, my dream career, and my passions.  

Turns out, I’m not the only one.

But that could change today if you’ll pay attention to the following:

First of all, you’ll want to … 

Be clear on what your purpose is and isn’t

See, many of us have dreams that we commonly refer to as our purpose. 

Like, providing for our family; living a successful life; making positive connections with others and enjoying those around us; traveling the world, fighting the declining condition of our planet, and so on.

To be clear, those are not your purpose. 

The truth is, you and I have one and the same purpose which never changes.  

So if you’re feeling frustrated because you believe that, by now you should be:

  • living your purpose of helping others,
  • living a happy and fulfilled life,
  • finding love,
  • finding success in your work or job, and
  • having kids who grow up to be great adults.

But you’ve fallen short on meeting those life goals.

So here you are stressed because your life simply isn’t panning out the way you desire. 

Don’t be discouraged.  Living a happy and fulfilled life, as good as that may be, is not your purpose.

Don’t equate goal-based desires with your purpose. They are not the same.

On the other hand, if you’ve managed to find success in your career and your children have grown up to be fantastic responsible adults. That’s great!  Those are achievements to be proud of, for sure. 

But they are simply that. Goal-based achievements. That’s not your purpose.

Your purpose fundamentally is, to serve God and keep His commandments.

And while the concept of your purpose, may take a lot of pondering and may come across as difficult to grasp. It’s not complicated at all. You can learn more about your purpose here. 

Next …

You have to understand what your life purpose is

The key here is not to look for your life purpose to be identical to the person or persons you most admire, or anyone else for that matter.  Your life purpose is unique to you and to your life.

It’s not in pursuit of fame and fortune.

Think selfless service, from a heart of love, compassion, and empathy.

This charitable attitude is prevalent among believers and unbelievers, young and old alike.

For instance, let’s revisit Ms. Winfrey… 

When asked about her life purpose, she responded that her life purpose is to be of service to others.

-Oprah Winfrey

This is interesting because the act of giving into other people’s lives is exactly what gives you that deep fulfillment. As human beings, giving and helping others is our nature.

You may have heard about the 11-year-old boy who boycotts his bed to raise money for a local hospice.

According to the Daily Mail, he has been camping outdoors for a year to raise funds. He started out camping in his backyard and has since raised over US$650,000, for the Hospice, who cared for his late neighbor.  

Daily Mail

And chances are, you have also heard about the late Mother Teresa, 20th-century Humanitarian.

Because of her ability to love those who were the most vulnerable in society, is known as an icon of care. Mother Teresa’s outstanding services to humanity is well known globally. It’s recorded that during the 1960’s she opened hospices, orphanages, and leper houses all over India and later expanded internationally. Risking her own life, she would go to dangerous regions to rescue and serve the poor and disadvantaged. In 1979 Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and donated the prize money to the poor in India.


Ultimately, your desire to serve and your ability to be of service are God-given. Of course, whom you serve and the way you serve is totally your choice to make.  

Now, to answer the question of what gives life purpose.

I think the more important question to ask is … 

What have you been given to give to the world?

Again, every single living breathing one of us has been gifted with something.

This gift could mean:

  • to sing,
  • to play musical instruments,
  • to write music,
  • to paint beautiful landscape;
  • to bake scrumptious pastries,
  • to speak,
  • to organize,
  • to cook delicious cuisines,
  • to design and sew fashionable pieces of clothing,
  • to build exquisite home furnishings,
  • to write best-selling books,
  • to produce life-changing films, or
  • to create brand new technology and so on.  

Your gift, God has made you the keeper of it.  That being said, it’s not only for your benefit but for others also.  

The world needs what you have.

How you go about presenting your painting, for example, is what will make an impact on your community, what will give your life purpose and you, personal fulfillment.

Take stock of your artistic abilities.

At first, glance, don’t be fooled by its appearance. If it seems insignificant…

Ask the Lord to help you see its potential. 

But don’t bury it, neglect it, or discount it as worthless or valueless.  

Nurture it instead. 

Invest time in developing and mastering it.  Think longterm.

Remember, you’ll need it as much as your community. If you turn your back on it. You’re essentially depriving yourself and countless others of the benefit it provides.

This takes me to the final point …

You have to believe that you have what it takes

Think about it.

You may say, you know nothing or you don’t have anything to give.

And I totally disagree with your response.

Yes, you do have a gift. We all have at least one.

Perhaps your love to paint breathtaking countryside immediately comes to mind. But then, you thought painting doesn’t pay much. 

And as an artist, providing for your family would be a challenge. And since it holds no value to you, you quickly dismissed the idea.

I say, give your creative skill as a great painter a chance.

In the end, this is what gives life purpose 

Laboring on your skills and abilities with the intent to serve.

My friend this is how you’ll enjoy fulfillment in your life, and not only that, you’re much more likely to be happier.

Because you’re driven by a passion to perform and to provide. To give even the best possible service or product to others.

And I’m speaking from experience…

Thankfully, I’ve found through writing, speaking, and teaching that I’m finally living a life that’s fulfilling and meaningful. I might not yet see the abundant financial successes but I’m confident that it will come. For now, I can compare my present with my past and I’ll honestly say, I am happier now with unbelievable peace and contentment. And I believe one of the reasons is, that I’m finally paying attention to my gift.


Once you’ve discovered that special ability, gift, or talent and you’ve made the decision to go all in. Keep in mind, the world needs what you have.

So whatever it takes for you to make your painting a masterpiece put the effort in.   

The necessary steps of making it your best might be laborious, routine, lonely, even boring at times. But it will be worth it. Not only that, it will become a part of you as you consistently pour in your blood, sweat, and tears. Best of all, you’ll learn to enjoy it.

And on those days when your motivation weakens, persevere with patience. 

Now that you know that your purpose is first and foremost, to serve God. And what your life purpose essentially is selfless service. You can move forward to success by ensuring that your life purpose is aligned with God’s will.

And, that my friend is the foolproof way to achieve fulfillment, meaning, and success in life. Or, in other words, my way of life and my answer to what gives life purpose.

Feel free to share your thoughts, questions, or comments in the comments section below.

Where I’ll be happy to respond.

To your success,



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